Frequently asked questions (FAQ)

Questions about OnlineFlirtWeb

  • Do I need a credit card to sign up?

    Absolutely not! Signing up is 100% FREE and without any costs.

  • Is it safe to use this website?

    Yes, all your personal data is stored in a secure environment. But remember; don't reveal too much personal identifiable information with the person you're talking to.

  • Will my purchase be discrete?

    We care about your private life and respect your privacy.
    Any charges made on your credit card will appear under: Verotel

  • What is the purpose of this website?

    The purpose of this website is to allow adults (18+) to discuss sexual desires and fantasies in a secure digital way. Learn more: Disclaimer

Questions about your account

  • An error occurred while attempting to enter my account

    Please make sure that you enter the correct password. If you forgot your password, you can create a new password here.

  • How do I delete my account?

    To delete your account, please follow these steps:

    1. Login on our website.
    2. Go to the "Settings" area.
    3. Scroll down to the "Delete my account" section
    4. Click on "Delete"

    You will be logged out automatically and your account will be removed.

  • What is a Fuck Request and why should I use it?

    With a Fuck Request you can simply show someone your interest if you don't know how to start a conversation.

  • How do I change my password?

    To change your password, follow these steps:

    1. Login on our website.
    2. Go to the "Settings" area.
    3. Enter your current password.
    4. Enter your new password.
    5. Confirm your new password.
    6. Click on the "Save" button.

  • I want to adjust my personal information

    To adjust personal information, follow these steps:
    1. Login on our website.
    2. Go to "My Profile"
    3. Here you can adjust your personal information.
    4. When you're done click on the "Save" button.

  • How long will it take for my photo to show?

    Al photos will be reviewed within 24 hours.

    Our rules:

    1. The photo may not discriminate; promote violence or any illegal activities.
    2. The person on the photo must be 18 years or older. You may not post a photo of yourself when you were 17.
    3. You may not violate someone's rights or intellectual property by posting a photo.